Your Free Guide to 2023 LIHEAP Benefit Amounts

Your Free Guide to 2023 LIHEAP Benefit Amounts

Introduction to LIHEAP

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where energy costs continue to rise and economic challenges persist, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) stands as a beacon of hope for countless families across the United States. 

LIHEAP is a federally-funded program designed to provide crucial support to qualified low-income households, ensuring they can afford to maintain a comfortable living environment throughout the year. 

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of LIHEAP benefits, offering insights into state-specific variations, benefit amounts, calculation methods and more.

Understanding LIHEAP Benefits

At its core, LIHEAP is a lifeline for families struggling to make ends meet while grappling with the challenges of energy expenses. The program’s primary goal is to prevent energy-related crises, promote energy efficiency, and provide vital financial assistance to eligible households. 

By offering annual benefits, LIHEAP not only addresses immediate needs but also empowers families to focus on other essential aspects of their lives.

State-Specific Benefit Amounts

One of the facets of LIHEAP is its adaptability to the diverse landscape of states and territories across the nation. Benefit amounts are far from uniform, as they are tailored to account for varying income thresholds, local climate conditions, and the availability of funding. 

In the table below, you can find each state’s maximum LIHEAP benefit amounts for 2023. 

Note: One asterisk (*) indicates that information was not available. 

LocationMinimum Heating BenefitMaximum Heating BenefitMinimum Cooling BenefitMaximum Cooling BenefitEmergency/Crisis  Benefit Maximum
Alabama$580$880$580$820$870 (cooling)
American    Samoa**$25$65$800
Colorado$250 $1,000**$4,000
D.C.$250 $1,800$250$1,800 $750
Georgia$350 $500$350$500$0
GuamInformation not availableInformation not availableInformation not availableInformation not availableInformation not available
Maryland$500$2,213 $150$2,213$2,213
Michigan$1 $1,708 **$0 
Minnesota$200$1,400 **$0
Mississippi $1 $1,500$1$1,500 $1,500 
Nebraska$154$1,050$273$700 $500 
New  Hampshire$304$3,024**$0 
New Jersey $118$1,278$118$1,278$0
New Mexico$70$490$70$490$490
New York$21$976$10$1,000 $0
North Carolina$300$500$300$500$600
North Dakota$3$1,161$1 $1,000 $1,000
Oklahoma$40$500$150 $650$750
Puerto Rico$50$275$50$275$900
Rhode Island$75 $1,285**$0
South Carolina$200$850$200$775 $1,000 
South Dakota$668$2,291**$2,400 
Texas$1 $12,300$1 $12,300 $2,400
U.S. Virgin  IslandsInformation not availableInformation not availableInformation not availableInformation not availableInformation not available
Utah$190$850 $190$850$2,000 
Vermont$21 $2,785**$0
Virginia$397$1,282$50$700 $0
Washington$200 $1,000 **$2,500
West Virginia$430$709$430$709$2,500

Tribal Benefit Amounts

LIHEAP’s commitment to inclusivity extends to tribal communities, recognizing their distinct needs and circumstances. Tribal LIHEAP benefits are determined through collaboration between tribal governments and the federal LIHEAP program. These benefits are carefully calibrated to reflect the customs, energy costs, and specific challenges faced by each tribal community. 

The table below includes information about the maximum LIHEAP benefits in Native American tribes throughout the United States. This information is current as of 2022, which is the most recent data available.

StateTribeMin. Heating BenefitMax. Heating BenefitOther/In-kind Benefits
AlabamaMa-Chris Lower Creek Indian Tribe$300.00$600.00Blankets, electrical space heaters, socks, gloves, beanies, and coats.
AlabamaMowa Band of Choctaw Indians$100.00$300.00N/A
AlabamaPoarch Band of Creek Indians$325.00$400.00The Family Services Department makes referrals on behalf of clients to other programs, departments, or different sources to meet the need s of the families. When funding is available, we provide the clients with blankets, space heaters, fans, energy efficient light bulbs, weatherization preparedness items, or other needs that clients may have related to home energy needs. 
AlabamaUnited Cherokee Ani’Yun’Wiya Nation$750.00$1,250.00For eligible households the tribe will purchase blankets and/or throws for the elderly, home-bound and disabled. Generators, space heaters or kerosene heaters are purchased as needed, as funds are available.
AlaskaAleutian Pribilof Islands Association$350.00$2,450.00N/A
AlaskaAniak Traditional Council$846.00$1,600.00N/A
AlaskaAssociation of Village Council Presidents$400.00$3,000.00In-kind consists of donated items such as: clothing, cold winter gear, boots, shoes, hats, gloves, bedding, kitchenware, essential food and beverage items from donations provided to families in need.In most crisis situations, (house fires, floods) families, individuals or communities will request donations from our organization and we will host donation drives on their behalf.
AlaskaBristol Bay$270.00$4,725.00In crisis situations BBNA may provide emergency supplies such as blankets, heaters to vulnerable households.
AlaskaChuathbakuk Traditional Council$612.00$1,156.00N/A
AlaskaCook Inlet Tribal Council$10.00$2,000.00CITC will provide a household in addition to their regular heating assistance grant a one time payment for the purchase of blankets or space heaters. This will be based on budget availability.CITC will provide a household in addition to their regular heating assistance grant a one time weatherization kit. This will be based on budget availability.CITC will host an event working with local homeless shelter to support the homeless population by providing homeless care kits
AlaskaKenaitze Indian Tribe$200.00$7,000.00An Energy Assistance application must be submitted and documents requested/required met: services include but not limited to space heaters, blankets, sleeping bags, homeless kit, prevention of shut off, payment of reconnect charge, wood bundles and/or housing not to exceed 7 days or the best temporary option. Determination will be made by the Social Services staff and approved by the supervisor or designee.
AlaskaKodiak Area Native Association$900.00$1,500.00N/A
AlaskaKuskokwim Native Association$250.00$1,000.00We provide window insulation kits if needed.
AlaskaOrutsararmiut Native Council$600.00$1,500.00N/A
AlaskaSeldovia Village Tribe$550.00$800.00N/A
AlaskaTanana Dena’Nena’Henash$275.00$2,385.00Supplement benefit payment made to household if additional heating assistance funds are available at the end of the season. Supplement benefit payment is calculated as a percentage of what they received in their original benefit payment to the household
AlaskaTlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority$400.00$7,000.00Heating Assistance reduction used for recoupment of overpayment. 
AlaskaYakutat Tlinget Tribe$180.00$1,800.00N/A
ArizonaCocopah Indian Tribe  N/A
ArizonaColorado River Indian Tribes$425.00$550.00N/A
ArizonaGila River Indian Community$200.00$230.00N/A
ArizonaPasqua Yaqui Tribe$150.00$600.00N/A
ArizonaQuechan Indian Tribe$50.00$250.00N/A
ArizonaSalt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community$300.00$600.00In-kind: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community provides blankets and space heaters.
ArizonaSan Carlos Apache Tribe$38.00$284.00Churches, Agencies, Off reservation organizations donate jackets, socks, sweaters, coats, blankets, mittens and distributed at difference events on the reservation or schools for elders, disabled, children and general population.
ArizonaThe Navajo Nation$200.00$700.00N/A
ArizonaWhite Mountain Apache Tribe$50.00$200.00This will be our very first year the White Mountain Apache LIHEAP program will be providing heaters. Many homes on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation has very limited heating during the cold winter months.
CaliforniaBerry Creek Rancheria – Tyme Maidu Tribe$50.00$200.00N/A
CaliforniaBig Valley Band of Pomo Indians$171.00$300.00N/A
CaliforniaBishop Paiute Tribe$320.00$350.00As a back up plan we have blankets and heaters available for applicant in need.
CaliforniaCoyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians$75.00$150.00N/A
CaliforniaEnterprise Rancheria$100.00$340.00N/A
CaliforniaHoopa Valley Tribe$150.00$340.00N/A
CaliforniaHopland Band of Pomo Indians$141.00$331.00N/A
CaliforniaKaruk Tribe$325.00$550.00N/A
CaliforniaMooretown Rancheria$170.00$300.00Sometimes supply blankets for elders and families with children.
CaliforniaNorthern California Indian Development Council$50.00$700.00N/A
CaliforniaPinoleville Pomo Nation$500.00$950.00The Tribe provides donated items such as: Blankets, Heaters, Jackets and warm clothes to families. These items are listed as in-kind for the Head Start and what is left is donated to the Tribe.
CaliforniaPitt River$175.00$500.00N/A
CaliforniaQuartz Valley Indian Reservation$100.00$350.00N/A
CaliforniaRedding Rancheria$400.00$800.00N/A
CaliforniaRedwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Indians$100.00$200.00N/A
CaliforniaRedwood Valley Rancheria$100.00$200.00N/A
CaliforniaRiverside-San Bernardino Indian Co. Health, Inc$450.00$800.00N/A
CaliforniaRound Valley Indian Tribes$250.00$350.00N/A
CaliforniaSherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians$50.00$300.00N/A
CaliforniaSouthern California Tribal Chairman’s Association$18.00$350.00N/A
CaliforniaSouthern Indian Health Council, Inc.$50.00$350.00N/A
CaliforniaYurok Tribe$400.00$660.00N/A
IdahoCoeur d’Alene Tribe$300.00$400.00Non-electrical space heaters 
IdahoNez Perce Tribe$325.00$425.00N/A
IdahoShoshone Bannock Tribes$150.00$900.00The Consumer Service Program offers blankets to low income clients and elderly whenever requested. Space heaters are available to clients in emergency cases. Also provided are weatherization DIY packages to clients who participate in weatherization classes, blankets, socks, gloves, and other warming items for elders.
KansasUnited Tribes of Kansas and SE Nebraska, Inc.$220.00$1,050.00Blankets
MaineHoulton Band of Maliseet Indians$300.00$960.00N/A
MaineIndian Township of Tribal Government$250.00$1,300.00N/A
MainePassamaquoddy Indians$250.00$1,300.00N/A
MainePenobscot Indian Nation$300.00$2,200.00N/A
MainePleasant Point Indian Reservation$450.00$1,500.00N/A
MainePleasant Point Passamaquoddy$450.00$1,500.00N/A
MainePleasant Point Passamaquoddy Reservation Housing Authority$450.00$1,500.00N/A
MainePleasant Point Tribal Government$450.00$1,500.00N/A
MaineThe Aroostook Band of Micmacs$540.00$2,000.00N/A
MassachusettsMashpee Wampanoag Indian Tribal Council$600.00$1,500.00Based on the severity of weather conditions, emergency air conditions/fans, winter space heaters, or blankets to fuel
MichiganGrand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians$150.00$350.00N/A
MichiganInter-Tribal Council of MI, Inc.$270.00$400.00N/A
MichiganIntertribal Council of Michigan, Inc.$270.00$400.00N/A
MichiganKeweenaw Bay Indian Community$450.00$800.00N/A
MichiganLittle River Band of Ottawa Indians$325.00$1,000.00N/A
MichiganPokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians$250.00$550.00Furnace repair
MichiganSault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians$600.00$800.00N/A
MississippiMississippi Band of Choctaw Indians$50.00$300.00Quilts, box fans and air conditioners
MontanaBlackfeet Tribal Business Council$184.00$2,066.00N/A
MontanaChippewa Cree Tribe$311.00$930.00N/A
MontanaConfederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes$850.00$1,225.00Space heaters and firewood
MontanaFort Belknap Indian Community$800.00$1,400.00Blankets and space heaters will be made available for use by the consumers when there is extreme cold or during times of power outages
MontanaFort Peck Assinioboine and Sioux Tribes$324.00$1,565.00An eligible household will have the option of using a portion of their allocation ( benefit amount ) for low-cost energy saving measures/devices. For example, a household could purchase a small electric heater or warming device that could be used to warm only the living area of a home, which would reduce energy consumption. Limit is $75.00. Weatherization supplies include plastic, lath, caulk, weather strip duct tape and or/heating devices
MontanaNorthern Cheyenne Tribe$600.00$1,100.00N/A
New MexicoFive Sandoval$40.00$380.00Portable heaters, blankets and other heating needs
New MexicoJicarilla Apache Nation$75.00$1,050.00N/A
New MexicoNambe Pueblo$175.00$1,375.00N/A
New MexicoPueblo of Jemez$60.00$420.00N/A
New MexicoPueblo of Laguna Utility Authority$100.00$900.00N/A
New MexicoPueblo of Zuni$200.00$350.00N/A
New YorkSeneca Nation of Indians$140.00$751.00N/A
New YorkSt. Regis Mohawk Tribe$21.00$741.00N/A
North CarolinaEastern Band$500.00$650.00N/A
North CarolinaLumbee Nation$125.00$525.00Warming blankets and energy efficient portable heaters 
North DakotaSpirit Lake Tribe$942.00$2,430.00Temporary heating devices costing not more than $300
North DakotaStanding Rock Sioux$495.00$3,360.00Space heaters and air conditioners
North DakotaThree Affiliated Tribes$2,154.00$4,684.00Space heaters and blankets 
North DakotaTurtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians$400.00$2,200.00Space heaters
OklahomaApache Tribe of Oklahoma$100.00$300.00Electric heaters, fans, and blankets
OklahomaCherokee Nation$150.00$480.00Applicants 60 years old or disabled participants can receive blankets
OklahomaCheyenne and Arapaho Tribes$1.00$400.00If funds are available, the LIHEAP program will provide blankets and space heaters
OklahomaChickasaw Nation$1.00$400.00Blankets and/or heaters are provided to the elderly, disabled or household members with infants where the health of a household member would be adversely affected by the termination of its source of heating
OklahomaChoctaw Nation$60.00$600.00N/A
OklahomaCitizen Potawatomi Nation$100.00$500.00Space heaters, blankets and loaner generators
OklahomaComanche Nation of Oklahoma$40.00$580.00N/A
OklahomaDelaware Nation$75.00$200.00N/A
OklahomaDelaware Tribe of Indians$25.00$400.00Benefits may be used to purchase and/or repair heating units.Benefit may also purchase blankets to provide warmth in the heating season
OklahomaEastern Shawnee$100.00$240.00N/A
OklahomaFort Sill Apache Tribe$100.00$200.00N/A
OklahomaKialegee Tribal Town$135.00$300.00Space heaters
OklahomaKickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma$150.00$400.00Space heaters 
OklahomaKiowa Tribe$200.00$380.00Blankets for tribal elders
OklahomaMiami Tribe of Oklahoma$1.00$400.00Blankets, caulking, weather stripping, insulation, storm windows, energy saving light bulbs, space heaters, heating equipment and/or systems and repairs. DIY weatherization kits, and other miscellaneous materials including literature regarding energy conservation are provided to applicants that do not have an adequate supply
OklahomaModoc Tribe of Oklahoma$250.00$400.00Modoc families with children ages 0-6 can receive a blanket from Title IV-B while funding is available
OklahomaMuscogee (Creek) Nation$350.00$500.00Space heaters
OklahomaOsage Nation$340.00$620.00Space heaters, blankets and weatherization materials such as bricks of wood, if it is the only source of heat in home 
OklahomaOtoe – Missouria Tribe of Indians$50.00$500.00N/A
OklahomaOttawa Tribe of Oklahoma$300.00$600.00Blankets and space heaters
OklahomaPawnee Nation of Oklahoma$200.00$500.00Space heaters
OklahomaPonca Tribe of Oklahoma$100.00$200.00Space heaters 
OklahomaQuapaw Tribe of Oklahoma$150.00$750.00Blankets and/or space heaters
OklahomaSac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma$200.00$500.00Heaters, blankets, fans or air conditioners 
OklahomaSeminole Nation of Oklahoma$120.00$500.00Blankets and small space heaters 
OklahomaSeneca Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma$1.00$450.00Window unit heater or gas/propane heaters in lieu of cash payment to an energy provider
OklahomaShawnee Tribe$100.00$150.00N/A
OklahomaThlopthlocco Tribal Town$74.00$350.00N/A
OklahomaTonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma$75.00$150.00N/A
OklahomaUnited Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians$450.00$550.00Propane/natural gas wall heaters, wood stoves (if they own their home), electric blankets, and electric heaters
OklahomaWichita and Affiliated Tribes$76.00$240.00N/A
OklahomaWyandotte Nation$175.00$225.00N/A
OregonConfederated Tribes of Coos_Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians$330.00$850.00Space heaters and blankets
OregonConfederated Tribes of Siletz Indians$400.00$800.00N/A
OregonConfederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon$340.00$600.00N/A
OregonConfederated Tribes of Warm Springs$250.00$550.00N/A
OregonCow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians$250.00$550.00Blankets and heaters
OregonKlamath Tribes$250.00$550.00Blankets, space heaters, and other emergency supplies.
Rhode IslandNarragansett Indian Tribe$325.00$400.00Space heaters and blankets
South CarolinaCatawba Nation$100.00$350.00N/A
South DakotaCheyenne River Sioux Tribe$200.00$475.00Heaters 
South DakotaLower Brule Sioux Tribe$240.00$738.00N/A
South DakotaOglala Sioux Tribe$200.00$500.00Space heaters, fans and air conditioners for cooling 
South DakotaRosebud Sioux Tribe$100.00$600.00N/A
South DakotaYankton Sioux$500.00$700.00N/A
UtahPaiute Indian Tribe of Utah$243.00$556.00Blankets, space heaters and cooling fans
UtahUte Tribe$156.00$1,117.00Blankets, space heaters, and portable cooling units
WashingtonConfederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation$205.00$270.00N/A
WashingtonConfederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation$350.00$825.00N/A
WashingtonEastern Shoshone Tribe$240.00$140.00Self weatherization kits, blankets and space heaters
WashingtonHoh Indian Tribe$250.00$400.00Blankets, space heaters and warm clothing
WashingtonJamestown S’Klallam Tribe$100.00$1,000.00Fans, air conditioners, space heaters and blankets, if available
WashingtonKalispel Tribe of Indians$210.00$570.00N/A
WashingtonLower Elwha Klallam Tribe$50.00$700.00Blankets, space heaters, air conditioners, and other types of items
WashingtonLummi Indian Business Council$350.00$380.00N/A
WashingtonMakah Indian Tribe$150.00$700.00N/A
WashingtonMuckleshoot Indian Tribe$70.00$350.00N/A
WashingtonNooksack Indian Tribe$350.00$500.00N/A
WashingtonNorthern Arapaho Tribe$113.00$884.00N/A
WashingtonPort Gamble S’Klallam Tribe$1,200.00$2,100.00Ecologs
WashingtonQuileute Indian Tribe$7.00$650.00Blankets and/or space heaters or any other additional weatherization supplies
WashingtonQuinault Indian Nation$700.00$2,700.00N/A
WashingtonSamish Indian Nation$25.00$1,500.00Blankets for elderly applicants, applicants with kids or those with disabilities 
WashingtonSmall Tribes Organization of Western Washington$500.00$830.00Energy kits and educational materials
WashingtonSouth Puget Intertribal Planning Agency$285.00$1,000.00N/A
WashingtonSpokane Tribe$200.00$400.00Space heaters or blankets
WashingtonSuquamish Indian Tribe of the Port of Madison Reservation$200.00$600.00N/A
WashingtonSwinomish Indian Tribal Community$240.00$1,120.00For clients who rely on wood heating, the tribe provides cord wood 
WyomingEastern Shoshone Tribe$240.00$1,400.00Self weatherization kits, blankets and space heaters
WyomingNorthern Arapaho Tribe$156.00$940.00N/A

Calculating Benefit Amounts

The determination of LIHEAP benefit amounts involves a meticulous assessment of several key factors:

Household Income

A fundamental criterion for benefit allocation is household income. Generally, households with lower incomes can qualify to receive higher benefit amounts to address their heightened vulnerability to energy cost burdens.

Household Size

The number of individuals within a household significantly impacts energy consumption. Larger households typically require more energy to sustain comfortable living conditions. As a result, benefit amounts are often adjusted to accommodate larger families.

Geographical Region

The climate and energy costs specific to each region influence the program’s determination of appropriate benefit amounts. That’s why, in some states, only one type of benefit is offered. For example, New Hampshire does not offer cooling assistance.

Energy Costs

The price of energy can fluctuate widely between states and even within regions. LIHEAP takes these variations into account when establishing benefit levels, ensuring that assistance is sufficient to cover the energy costs incurred by each household.

Additional Perks of LIHEAP

LIHEAP’s impact goes beyond the direct financial support it provides. Several supplementary advantages enhance the program’s effectiveness in supporting low-income households:

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Many states complement their LIHEAP offerings with energy efficiency programs. These initiatives aim to enhance homes’ energy efficiency by providing cost-effective upgrades. 

These upgrades can include improved insulation, updated heating systems, and energy-efficient appliances. By reducing energy consumption, these measures further alleviate the financial burden on low-income households.

Crisis Assistance

LIHEAP acts as a safeguard against energy-related emergencies. In situations where a household faces the imminent threat of an energy supply shut-off, the program provides crisis assistance. This vital support prevents families from enduring extreme temperatures without heating or cooling.

Weatherization Services

Weatherization programs are a key component of LIHEAP’s commitment to long-term energy conservation. These services focus on optimizing homes for energy efficiency, thereby reducing overall energy consumption. Through weatherization, households benefit from lowered energy bills while contributing to environmental sustainability.

Education and Outreach

LIHEAP recognizes the importance of education in empowering households to make informed energy-related decisions. Collaborating with local organizations, the program conducts educational outreach to inform recipients about energy conservation practices, available resources, and strategies for maximizing the benefits of the program.

Applying for LIHEAP Benefits

Applying for LIHEAP benefits involves a straightforward process that ensures eligible households can access the assistance they need:

Determine Eligibility

Before initiating the application process, it’s important to determine if your household meets the eligibility criteria established by your state’s LIHEAP program. These criteria typically consider factors such as income, household size, and citizenship status.

Gather Documents

To support your application, gather essential documents such as proof of income, utility bills, identification, and any other documents required by your state’s LIHEAP office.

Complete Application

Obtain the LIHEAP application form from your state or tribal LIHEAP office. Fill out the form accurately and comprehensively, providing all necessary information to facilitate the review process.

Submit Application

Submit your completed application according to the instructions provided by your state’s LIHEAP program. Depending on your preference and the program’s guidelines, you may be able to submit your application online, in person, or by mail.

Await Approval

Once your application is received, it will undergo a thorough review process to determine your eligibility and calculate your benefit amount. Once approved, you will receive notification of your benefit amount and any additional services you qualify for.

By tailoring benefit amounts to reflect state-specific variations, collaborating with tribal communities, and offering supplementary advantages, LIHEAP embodies adaptability and inclusivity. 

As you explore the program and consider its potential impact on your household, remember that LIHEAP extends beyond financial assistance. It serves as a catalyst for energy conservation, financial stability, and improved living conditions for countless families across the United States.

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