While we are not affiliated with the government in any way, our private company engaged writers to research the LIHEAP program and compiled a guide and the following answers to frequently asked questions. Our goal is to help you get the benefits that you need by providing useful information on the process.


We want to provide information to help you find the resources you may be looking for.

We provide this information in a free guide.

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Table of Contents: 

  1. Want to learn about us?
  2. Where do we get our information?
  3. Are we the government?
  4. Is my information protected?
  5. What is a recession?
  6. What can cause a recession?
  7. Is a recession the same thing as a depression?
  8. What are some examples of recessions in history?
  9. Is the U.S. currently in a recession?
  10. How do we know if a recession is on the horizon?
  11. How long can a recession last?
  12. What are the stages of a recession?
  13. What are some economic impacts of a recession?
  14. How can a recession impact my life?
  15. How can I prepare for a recession?

1. Want to learn about us?

We’re a private company that conducts research online and compiles information for you in a free guide. Our goal is to give you the information in one place – in a clear and simple way – to help you achieve your goals.

2. Where do we get our information?

Our team of writers does research online. Then we put the information in one place and in a clear way to make things easier for you.

3. Are we the government?

No, we are not the government. Our company is private. We find information that’s already online, but we put it together to make things easier for you. We want to give you the best help that we can.

4. Is my information protected?

We believe in the importance of keeping your data safe. If you decide to give us your data while using our website, we use many different protections to help keep it safe. To learn more about how we protect your information, check out our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

5. What is a recession?

A recession is a severe, widespread, and prolonged economic downturn. There are various negative impacts on everything from slower business profits to high rates of unemployment. Also, consumer spending usually decreases.

6. What can cause a recession?

While there is no single cause of a recession, certain chains of events can severely impact the economy, thus leading to a recession. These can include things like financial crises, natural disasters, political instability and inflation.

7. Is a recession the same thing as a depression?

While the terms “depression” and “recession” are commonly used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. A depression is a far more severe time of economic weakness and happens far less frequently. A recession can lead to a depression, in some severe cases.

8. What are some examples of recessions in history?

Some of the most notable recessions in the last few decades are The COVID-19 Pandemic Recession (February 2020-April 2020), The Great Recession (December 2007-June 2009), The Dot-Bomb Recession (March 2001-November 2001) and the Gulf War Recession (July 1990-March 1991).

9. Is the U.S. currently in a recession?

While the United States is currently experiencing inflation, the country is not in a recession. While inflation is often present in times of recession, periods of inflation do not necessarily indicate a recession.

10. How do we know if a recession is on the horizon?

There are a few common signs that may indicate a recession is coming. These include things like increases in unemployment, decreases in home sales and increases in wages. 

11. How long can a recession last?

A recession can last anywhere from several months to several years. In recent decades, the shortest recession was during the COVID-19 pandemic, which only lasted about two months. However, the Great Recession of 2007-2009 lasted a year and a half. 

12. What are the stages of a recession?

According to many experts, there are five stages of a recession. Those are:

  1. Recession: this is an overall economic downturn, which can include fewer employment opportunities, less consumer spending, lower production levels, etc.
  2. Trough: At this stage, unemployment is generally at its highest rate.
  3. Recovery: This process generally starts off slow, with consumers and businesses gradually increasing spending.
  4. Expansion: New jobs may be created, consumers begin to feel more confident about the future, and companies are thriving.
  5. Peak: This phase continues until the economy begins to slow down again or falls into another recession, repeating the economic cycle of recessions.

13. What are some economic impacts of a recession?

Recessions typically have widespread economic impacts. These can include things like increased job loss, decreases in home values, higher prices for goods and services, high gas prices and less consumer spending.

14. How can a recession impact my life?

Anyone can be impacted by an economic recession, regardless of household size and income. You could face a layoff or a reduction in your working hours, an increase in your living expenses, or spend less money on travel and entertainment.

15. How can I prepare for a recession?

Some ways to prepare for and mitigate a recession’s financial challenges include: 

  • Creating an emergency savings fund to get you through increased costs or a potential job loss during a recession. 
  • Tightening up your budget.
  • Reducing your spending by downsizing subscriptions, cutting back on shopping habits, and eating out less. 
  • Updating your resume, so you’ll be ready to apply for a new job if you lose your current one.