While we are not affiliated with the government in any way, our private company engaged writers to research the LIHEAP program and compiled a guide and the following answers to frequently asked questions. Our goal is to help you get the benefits that you need by providing useful information on the process.

Oklahoma LIHEAP FAQ Sheet

Table of Contents 

What Is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program?

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides assistance for energy costs to low-income households. LIHEAP is a federal program that is administered by individual states, territories, and tribes. In Oklahoma, LIHEAP is administered by the Department of Human Services.

Learn more about LIHEAP by reviewing the federal program fact sheet here.

For more information about LIHEAP in Oklahoma, click here.

What Does LIHEAP Cover in Oklahoma?

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services oversees LIHEAP benefits and provides financial assistance for heating and cooling expenses to qualified households. Financial assistance can include payment for:

  • Past-due utility bills
  • Deliverable fuel
  • Disconnection/reconnection fees
  • Repairs and replacements of worn parts on heating units
  • Home weatherization

For more information about LIHEAP’s heating assistance initiative in Oklahoma, see the Oklahoma state LIHEAP Detailed Model Plan here.

About LIHEAP Crisis Assistance

LIHEAP Crisis Assistance, like standard LIHEAP benefits, is a cash grant provided to the utility companies of eligible individuals in certain situations.

If your household meets all the eligibility requirements above and has an energy-related crisis, you may qualify for LIHEAP Crisis Assistance.

The state of Oklahoma defines a “crisis situation” as one where a household:

  • Has no more than 3 days (72 hours) of bulk fuel left,
  • Is in danger of having their utilities disconnected with 72 hhours, or
  • Has already had their utilities disconnected by their service provider or given a refusal to deliver.

For qualifying households, the maximum annual benefit amount for LIHEAP Crisis Assistance is a one-time payment of $750.

Learn more about Crisis Assistance on page 12 of the Detailed Model Plan here.

How Much Assistance Does LIHEAP Provide in Oklahoma?

To determine the amount of energy assistance for which you are eligible, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services will consider:

  1. Your household size and income for the month prior to your application
  2. The fuel type you need (electricity, propane, natural gas, or heating oil)

Also, whether you are eligible for regular LIHEAP payments or Crisis Assistance payments will influence your maximum benefit amount.

As of 2024, the maximum annual benefit amount in Oklahoma is $500 for heating and $650 for cooling, and the minimum annual benefit amount is $40 for heating and $150 for cooling.

How to Qualify for LIHEAP in Oklahoma

To qualify for LIHEAP in Oklahoma, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a resident of the state
  • At least one household member must be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident
  • Have an out-of-pocket energy expense from an account opened in the name of the head of the household or their spouse
  • Have an annual income that is less than the LIHEAP income limit for your household size. To view the annual income limits, click here.
  • Meet asset limit requirements. To view asset limit requirements, click here.

Learn more about the LIHEAP financial eligibility requirements in Oklahoma here.

If you or a member of your family participates in the benefit programs below, then you may automatically be eligible for LIHEAP based on your income:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Learn more here.
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Learn more here.
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Learn more here.

How to Apply for LIHEAP in Oklahoma

Eligible households can only apply for LIHEAP heating assistance from October 1st until February 31st usually. Eligible households may only apply for cooling assistance from May 17th to September 9thtypically.

Households can only apply for crisis assistance between October 1stand September 30th. LIHEAP applications cannot be submitted year-round.

To apply for LIHEAP in Oklahoma, complete the following two steps:

  1. Gather the documentation and information you will need for the application.
  2. Choose how you are going to apply, whether online, in person, or by phone. To apply for LIHEAP online, complete an online application through OKDHS here.To apply for LIHEAP in person, visit your local Department of Human Services county office. Find your nearest DHS office and contact information here.
    To apply for LIHEAP by phone, call (405) 522-50503.
  3. Submit the LIHEAP application and other required documents.

If you have questions about the application process or require assistance, contact your nearest Department of Human Services (DHS) county office. Find your nearest DHS office here.

What You Will Need to Apply

When applying for Oklahoma LIHEAP benefits, you will need to provide:

  • Personal and financial information about yourself and the members of your household
  • Details about your home and its heating

The state may need the following documents and information to confirm your eligibility for LIHEAP benefits:

  • Names, birth dates and Social Security numbers for all household members
  • Utility bill information or a copy of your most recent utility bill
  • Residence information (landlord’s name, address and phone number, if renting)
  • Income verification (pay stubs)

How to Check Your Application Status

You can call the Department of Human Services at (405) 522-5050 or local office directly to check your application status. Click here to find your local office and contact information.

What Happens After You Apply for LIHEAP in Oklahoma?

The Oklahoma Department of Human Services will notify you after your application has been processed if you are approved to receive benefits. All LIHEAP payments are made to the heating or energy provider directly. Benefit payments will not be sent to you.

How to Appeal a Denial of Benefits

If you are denied Oklahoma LIHEAP benefits, you may request a hearing to appeal the decision by contacting your local DHS county office within 30 days of when you receive the denial. Find your nearest local DHS office here.

You can also contact the Department of Human Services by calling (405) 522-5050 or Oklahoma LIHEAP at (405) 487-5483.

Need More Help?

If you have questions about LIHEAP benefits in Oklahoma or require further assistance, contact your local Department of Human Services county office. Find your nearest Department of Human Services (DHS) office and contact information here.

You can also contact the Department of Human Services by calling (405) 522-5050 or Oklahoma LIHEAP at (405) 487-5483.

View or Download Our Free Guide

While we are not affiliated with the government in any way, our private company engaged writers to research the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and compiled a guide that we believe is simple to use and easy to understand. Our goal is to help you get the benefits that you need by providing detailed information on the process.

Our free LIHEAP Guide is filled with helpful information about how to apply for LIHEAP, program eligibility and how to get in touch with local offices. You can view our free guide here.

Last Updated: February 2, 2024